She’s here sorry long story

Je`Niqua • Proud wife, mommy of four; 1 bonus son, 1 bio daughter, twin boys

I’m so in love and can’t get enough of my baby girl. December 22 around 5 am I kept waking up cause I was leaking non stop (I thought I was peeing myself 😂) thought out the day I noticed that even after I would go to the bath room I was still leaking. Around 4 My husband my stepkids and I decided we’d play just dance (I wasn’t having any bad pain just the same pain I was told were Braxton Hicks and round ligament pain 2 days prior at my 39 week check up). So I’m playing just dance and realize I just can’t stop leaking like now I’m leaking though my clothes so about 7 I call my hospitals L&D; triage and tell them what’s going on and how long they tell me to come in immediately to see the in call obgyn because it sounds like my water broke. So husband and I get out and baby girls bag and have the kids Grandma on their mom side come get the kids and take them to their nana(my mother in law) for us and we rush to the hospital. After being monitored for about 30 mins I was admitted because my water had indeed been leaking but hadn’t broken completely yet. They tell me due to how long I was leaking I’d have to get started on Pitocin immediately because they didn’t want me to get an infection. So now it’s about 9 pm. My husband is knocked out and my dad who I’m rebuilding my relationship arrives at about 11 and we stayed up for hours while I’m going through contractions (them damn contractions hurt but at the time I was still set on going all natural. When I was first admitted I was 3.5 centimeters dilated. So my dad stays the night and around 5 I asked for a little pain relief though IV my water breaks immediately with a loud pop everywhere (on the nurses and the floor) That helped me sleep for 2 hours then I woke up going nuts 😂 Pitocin has been upped to an 8 now and my contractions were coming literally back to back and for about 2 hours I dealt with it tried walking, rocking, squatting (all this around 7 am December 23) so around 8 I gave in a begged for epidural and the checked me and say I was at 4.5 centimeters. Omg getting epidural was hard in itself cause I was still having contractions back to back (they were in my vagina, back, ass, pelvic area, and hips) and they were hitting all these at the same time. So I got my epidural at 8:45 am December 23. My dad left shortly after so now it’s just my husband and I. I started feeling nauseous due to not eat anything since 3 the day before. I was allowed to order broth, jello, ginger ale, Italian Ice and a cranberry juice. I got sick as soon as I tried to eat anything. Not here it is 12 noon and they check me cause my contractions are strong and coming close together and I was feeling a lot of pressure but I was still at 4.5 centimeters. They started me on Pitocin again to see if could help my dilate. Around 3 they check me and I’m at 5 centimeters abut they see I have a fever and that I cause an infection due to my water being ruptured for so long. They still wanted to give my body time to labor on it’s on. So I’m still laying in bed and around 5:30 they check me again and I’m still at a 5. By 6 and I wasn’t progressing they decided to do emergency c section cause babybgirl and I’s heartbeat started to go up and down. I was immediately happy because the original doctor my husband and I wanted to deliver our baby walked trough the door as a surprise and told us she’d be doing our c-section. I cried while hugging her (she knew how bad we wanted her to deliver our daughter and she really wanted to but had been sent to a different hospital earlier that week so she was just as surprised when the day she came back she would be delivering our daughter). I vomited shortly after and they gave me meds to help with nausea while they prepped me. I was freaking out after they numbed me for the csecting cause I couldn’t feel anything and started getting a little claustrophobic . Husband was brought in and he rubbed my head the entire time. After about 15 mins we heard our daughter cry. Omg mommas I couldn’t stop crying after hearing her. They brought her around to see us 5mins later

I’m so in love. I got stocked up and Abby girl is currently in nice on antibiotics to protect her from the infection i have (we’re both on the same antibiotics.

More pictures of my baby girl. Born December 23, 2017 weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces, 20 inches long.

Lol nurses and doctors were taking turns holding her saying how beautiful she was none of them wanted to put her down. All nurses/doctors used our phones and took so many pictures (had a photo shoot of us 😂