Christmas has been ruined: a rant

Caroline • •And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make• 🤘♐️

Christmas was one of my favorite holidays until this year. I am extremely close with my maternal grandparents and have been since I was born. They moved to Florida almost three years ago (I'm from mass). This was a hard adjustment but my family has made it work by traveling to FL every other Christmas to see them. My nana has had chronic respiratory issues, and today on our way to her house my mom turns around to me and goes "oh by the way, Nana's gonna die within the next year". It was impossible for me to have a good time tonight, I spent the whole time sobbing hysterically. My heart is broken. My nana is one of my best friends and I cant bear to picture life without her. I'm also extremely angry w my mom for saying that on christmas Day. She always excuses everything she does by being "brutally honest" but that's just straight up brutal. I've posted about my mom on here before and yeah I guess I love her and all but my god she can be so selfish. I'll never forget this day and it's ruined christmas for me.