Our beautiful rainbow came 10 days early


She was finally born Nov 16th at 7:47am... the day and night before she finally got here was just a crazy ride...

We spent the day before out and about with my best friend trying to walk off what we thought were just more braxton hix contractions... Dealt with them all day..around 11pm when the pain just stayed at a 5 or 6 I tried to lay down for a bit... but when her daddy checked on me around 11:30 it was finally figured out she was on her way. He literally had to pick me up out of bed. When we got to the hospital around 12:30am things started progressing quickly after... by the time 7am got around i was dilated to 8cm. But with every contraction my beautiful daughters heart rate would drop and she just wasnt dropping any further. We only seen our OB 5 mins when he told us the truth, he was giving us one chance at pushing her out. She didnt move. He called for an emergency c-section. Because of my wish for no epidural I was put out completely. When i came back to after the surgery i was told why her heart rate kept dropping. She had the cord around her neck and she was "sunny side up". I am so thankful our Dr. made the choices he made. She's thankfully here with us today because of our Drs quick moving. i will forever love this amazing little girl. Dolli Sue