She’s finally arrived


This new mommy and Daddy are over the moon with our sweet little girl. She decided to take her time to make her appearance but it was all worth it!

Born on December 23rd at 6:23am, 9.3 lbs, 21 inches long: Harper Mae

Labor story:

Her original due date was December 14th. My Dr did not want to induce if not necessary. We waited until the 21st, then decided on induction because of no progression. On the night of the 21st hubby and I went in hoping to have a smooth process. The Dr started with cytotec to open my cervix. After 8 hours, then came the folly balloon. Another 3 hours later, I was told I was dialted 4 cm. I was thrilled thinking she would be here soon. Then we began the pitocin, which my body apparent decided to not like. It made me sick, super swollen, and did not make any progress in dialation after another 24 hours. At the 36 hour mark, my Dr came in and said we needed to perform a csection, which at this point this momma was happy to hear. All I wanted was to see my baby and be able to eat some food (I was starving after 36 hours of water and ice chips)! I was nervous but I think my hubby was even more nervous than me, which I could see in his face and made me start crying as we entered the OR. Less than 45 minutes later, our sweet little girl was born and we were in the recovery room. My hubby was amazing during the operating room and in recovery! Seeing him with our daughter brought tears to my eyes again (she definitely has him wrapped around her little finger already). Although things did not go as planned, everything turned out perfectly! We are so happy we were able to come Home Christmas Day and begin our wonderful adventure as a new little family!