Stray Rant😢

Let me just get this off my chest.....

First off we have 5 dogs inside

4 dogs outside

3 birds

One of them dogs we just rescued! Three weeks ago off the side of the road it was cold and we just decided to keep him he fits with our family.. Week ago we took another dog in that someone dropped and it’s so cold outside so I just had to pick him up.... btw we live a mile from a truck stop (so I’m pretty sure these truckers have been dropping dogs I’ve seen some do it before)

Well tonight at 11:30 we went down to get a drink, well there was another dog almost to the truck stop poor thing I put my foot down this time I said I can not keep doing this we have to many I can not..... We drove by and then I seen a car that was speeding pretty fast slam on his breaks then took off my SO said I think they hit him we drove by and he was laying in a ball I was crying he got hit!! My heart is in a million pieces of I would of just picked him up he wouldn’t of got hit well I wrapped it up really good and he’s in the house laying on the blanket getting warm and his paw is extremely bad, I’ll take him to the vet tomorrow but why? I feel so guilty like if I would of just picked the poor thing up then this wouldn’t of happened to him..... 😢😢😢😢 Happy New year to me.....