Mood Swingin’ over Pirañas

It’s New Year’s <a href="">Eve</a> and my period is due in about 6 days.

I’ve been bickering back and forth with my partner all day, feeling tired and crampy.

I took plan b December 14th and it was also the first day of inserting my new nuvaring for the month. I’ve been on this form of BC for a year, and it has worked wonderful for protection.

I still get my “endo” symptoms but not as severe..and just recently in the past two months a few days before my period Im unbearably depressed, annoyed and anxious.

In the next two weeks I’ll be having my first laparoscopic surgery

I love my partner deeply, been with him on our first year coming soon, I just feel very overwhelmed with health and career issues...

Any advice?