To the "adults"

Adrianna • Momma to a perfect little prince
As I've gone through some of the recent posts, I've noticed a lot of "adults" commenting some pretty rude things. Why go into a group that is clearly stated to be for teen moms and teen moms to be, if you want to tell us your "tough love advice?" If you don't agree with teens being parents, wether it be on accident or purpose, then don't put yourself in this group to be nosey. I'm pretty sure I can speak for all of us teens when I say, we don't want to hear the put downs, or you saying something about how we're old enough to have sex then we can deal with pregnancy and parenthood, or its gonna be hard. WE KNOW ITLL BE HARD! We wanna know that everything is gonna be okay, and a lot of us don't want to feel like we're alone through this. Hence, why I made this group for teens. Getting pregnant as a teen does not define how well you will raise your child.