Starting back up at the gym!! Help me out!


So little back story here but I use to be a complete gym junkie and I practically lived there. Then life got busy and I started a company and all those fun excuses but now since I’m getting married in September and I’m trying to get into the best shape of my life for my wedding and then after that to try and conceive our rainbow baby I decided it was time to hit the gym again!

And my future sister in law who actually is my best friend since we were in diapers (yes we married/are marring brothers) is goin with me bec she just had a baby and wants to snap back into shape so I have a workout buddy!

I’m actually a little nervous to be going into a new gym setting to! I want to loose at least 25 lbs before September 1st which is my wedding day and I’m sure I can do it and maybe a little more!

What’s your favorite diet?

Do u like a certain protein shake?

What’s your favorite workout?

How many days do you go and for how long!

How do u deal with being sore the next day!!!

Let me know what you do to survive going to the gym! Thanks guys!!