Extreme anxiety and emetephobia

Maddie • Everly’s Momma

I take medication for anxiety and anxiety attacks, but it hasn’t seemed to calm the amount of anxiety I’ve had today. As soon as I found out I was being induced for labor on Friday my stomach turned and I had to leave the doctors room to go to the bathroom. Ever since I haven’t been able to eat and I’ve been (TMI) having diarrhea. I get induced in three days and I don’t know what to do. I’m not scared about the pain... I have extreme Emetephobia (fear of vomit and vomitting) so I’m scared that I’ll throw up. Sounds silly, but my emetephobia is the biggest impediment in my life. Any tips to calm my nerves?? I know I need to eat for my baby’s sake, but I’ll try to eat and my stomach will turn.