I (didn’t) egg my ex’s car

So as me and my friends were hanging out blew got the smart idea to egg my ex’s car.

I’m pretty much over him, as it’s been months and we’ve both moved on but he did do some pretty despicable things to me. And me and my group are all teens, so we thought why not. So we go to the store and they have no eggs.

Okay. We are creative teens so picked something else.

We chose slices of cheese to through on his car. 16 whole slices on his old car he doesn’t drive anymore (I said new car was crossing too many lines)

so we get done and are laughing our asses off hoping no one saw and there’s no cameras.

But then the guilt hit me. Like that poor slice of cheese on that car I’ve made a baby in, I was stuck on guilt. I know it’s awful and I should have said no, but I didn’t.

Should I just laugh it off or should I feel really bad? I know I’m pretty awful and it was stupid typical teen behavior (I’m 16, he’s 19) he did a lot of nasty things to me (including leaving me when I got pregnant and coming back after I lost her)

but I don’t think he really deserved it. The guilt is eating me alive!

What is your opinions? 😭😭😭