Will 2018 be any better?

Katie • Hello, I’m Katie! I’m 13 and I’m addicted to music and YouTube. 😄 I like songs by tøp, panic!, and Dodie Clark (who is a YouTuber) I listen to a lot of others too though. Also, I’m very bi. ❤️🏳️‍🌈

In 2016 I noticed people saying that the year was so crappy. Everyone said 2016 sucked and honestly, I couldn’t disagree. I hated 2016 and I thought 2017 was going to be better. I tried to make 2017 a better year but it really wasn’t. My personal life crap that made 2016 terrible got a bit better but it was the rest of the world that blew it for me. With everything that happened this year I can’t say I had a great year. I really want 2018 to be better. I know I can’t go and change the big real world decisions made by the people who have power to make them but

there has to be something that can make the year better. What can we do to have the luxury of missing 2018 on New Years instead of resenting it? I just wonder if there ever will be a time that we can say we were proud of a year. Proud of the things we accomplished as a world. If anyone had a good 2016 or 2017 congrats to you. I hope 2018 is even better. ❤️❤️