The saga continues

Hey ladies,
So I missed my period... But before you cheer for me, you should know: I'm not pregnant. ... And I'm heading back to the operating room for another procedure! 😣
So here's the deal: last weekend I had awful cramps, real bad pelvic pain & kept feeling like my period was about to start. The pain was accompanied by this feeling of "fullness" and I just felt like my uterus was full of blood that wouldn't come out. Based on my OPK's, AF should have started. By Monday my period still hadn't come, so I emailed my doctor that I thought I might have scar tissue blocking AF from exiting my uterus. She agreed that my symptoms sounded suspicious & ordered an formal ultrasound. The u/s showed retained blood in my uterus, but no obvious obstruction. The plan is for me to see one of our REI (fertility) doctors, and they'll do a hysteroscopy. It's a tiny lighted tube with a camera in it that will go into my cervix & uterus to look around & see if they can identify what's blocking AF. If it's scar tissue (most likely the case) they'll cut it, remove it, and possible other interventions (balloon in my uterus, medications to prevent scar tissue, etc). Thankfully, that's all fixable & just means more waiting to restart TTC. On top all that, they also saw a pocket of blood in the top of my uterus that is apparently where the uterine perforation happened during my first d&c. It's concerning to me that it hasn't healed yet, and I'm waiting to hear more from my doctors about what that means for TTC once the hysteroscopy is done. 
Here's the silver lining: without the missed AF & therefor u/s... I might have never known that the uterine perforation hadn't healed yet. If we have gotten pregnant right away, it might have caused serious problems (uterine rupture, or another miscarriage, or who knows what else?!). I'm glad that we now know that my body needs more time to heal. Hopefully there aren't any more major hiccups on our journey & we can get through this chapter soon. I'm so ready to move past this. I'm ready for my uterus to be healthy again! 
Lastly, my best friend told me today that she is pregnant! I'm am SO happy & thrilled for her and her DH, but I also can't help but be a little sad for myself. I hope by the time their sweet baby enters this world, that I'm well on my way to motherhood. 
Hugs to you all, I know I need one tonight. 💕✨💕✨💕✨💕