Dear Ovaries,

Ricki • Looking to know I`m not the only one

You are my life’s biggest disappointment, at a young age you deceived me! I was fifteen when I found out you weren’t working properly and it crushed my soul! The doctor thought to fix the situation by putting chemicals in my body that shouldn’t be there. Yes it helped regulate things! But as I got older I hated you more and more! My body has taken my life’s goal and turned it in to a depressing topic to speak of. I’m 22 now and have been with the same man since I was 16 years old. As our life’s go on we talk and grow older and we speak about the things we want in life we want the same things and one of those things is to bring new life to our world. Ovaries can you hear my cries and plea for you to kick it in to gear and start working like you should be. As I sit here and tear up because all I want is to have a baby some day in the future, I know that you won’t allow it with out the help of drugs and medicine, I wish sometimes that I was one of those girls or women who could make it happen at the drop of a dime. I’m not and it hurts besides making life harder to grow inside myself you also make my facial hair more visible and annoying than other women’s. It makes me very ashamed of myself. Ovaries why can’t you just be normal.

Sincerely, the girl who’s heart you broke 💔