
WITHOUT prompting, ask your child these questions then copy & paste replacing with your own answers in the comments:

*Name? Kah'Lil

*How old are you? 5

*What is something I say a lot? Sit Down

*What makes me happy? When me & Kaiyah is listening

*What makes me sad? When we don’t listen

*How tall am I? Idk how tall you are.. 100? No?

*What's my favorite thing to do? Being a grown up

*What is my favorite food? Chicken Sandwhich

*What is my favorite drink? Juice

*If I could go anywhere, where would it be? To the store and get back in the house.

*Do you think you could live without me? No i cant leave you i love you so much

*How do I annoy you? By crushing my mind

*What is my favorite T.V. Show? Adult movies and kid movies

*What is my favorite music to listen to? Loud music

*What is my job? To take care of us

*What's my favorite color? Rainbow all of them

*How much do you love me? All of my heart go to you because i love you more than the sky and ground and bugs.