potty trained at 22 months

I am so proud of our LO! Potty trained at 22 months, during Winter break. She's doing a great job!! And since potty trsining her independence with so many other things has sky rocketed too. Couldn't be more proud of our big girl! And so happy she will be well trained by the time our next little baby arrives in April! Anyone else potty training?? If you are considering it I highly recommend the book "Oh crap, potty training" so far its methods were great for us! 
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My son takes his diaper off if he's wet, but still can't indicate he wants to go or when he already has gone. I've tried to put undies, which he loves to wear. But he doesn't talk much so I know that has to do with him not being able to comunícate as well . Hopefully soon though, baby #2 is due next week.


Anita • Jan 25, 2018
My daughter doesn't self initiate the best either that takes some time from what I have read. We remind her to go before/after meals and before we leave the house and then we get home. Also we are now exploring public bathrooms and she loves going on the big potty public toilets.


Posted at
Nice! We just did a potty training week 2 weeks ago. She’s baby #4. The “method” is really loose. Just waiting till they indicate they are ready, and then spending a good amount of time at home offering the potty every half hour at least. She was very ready and took to it immediately. We’d had a potty she used occasionally for months. So she knew the general idea. Now she insists babies wear diapers so we have to call her big girl lol. She’s my smallest yet. It’s so funny watching this tiny person insist on her maturity. 


Posted at
Yes!!!! I did my daughter at 25 months and we read that book too! She killed it!!