Need HELP- long post!!


Hi ladies, hope you all are doing good. I need help from all of you as I am clueless and helpless and don’t know what to do 🙈🙈😔😔. My baby girl would be turning 2 months on 8th Jan and am in constant fear that may be I am failing as a mother. I am a FTM and looking for guidance from all of you to get better in handling things. I am supplementing breast milk along with formula - enfamil A+ ( not More than twice sometimes once a day!)

1. My girl is not sleeping properly in day from last 2-3 days. She is up by 8-9am and have her feed, plays and then is unable to go to sleep again. She would sleepy but would not sleep for more than 10-15 mins. We are co-sleeping and I tried moving her to her crib(she gets up in max 5-10mins there), her grandparents try to make her sleep with them(again, not sleeping for more than 5-10mins), swing(sometimes she sleeps peacefully there and sometimes get up in an hour). She doesn’t sleep unless I rock and sing (wheels on the bus is her fav to sleep) to make her sleep. She sleeps on my chest peacefully for 3-5 hours peacefully. But from last 2-3 days, I noticed she is being gassy/ colic issues (as doctor told us before when we went to walk in clinic when she was just a few days old) and was having trouble sleeping. Even after feeding and making her burp, she was not comfortable sleeping on her back straight and we were holding her upright and rocking her in upright position only. She was giving slow and little burps of her own and was passing gas too!! From getting up 8am in the morning she was able to sleep at 5:30pm peacefully in my arms finally and was able to sleep for better and was getting up after 4-5 hours to get her feed. (I didn’t gave her formula this day thinking If she is too gassy or uncomfortable, formula will add on her troubles as it’s hard on the digestion- let me know if I am wrong here). On Saturday she was up by 2pm and was again not able to sleep properly throughout the day. Again on and off sleep and slept peacefully at 9pm after having formula and slept for 6 straight hours! She got up at 3am, took formula, did potty and slept around 4am ( today is Sunday and it’s 5am here in Montreal as I am writing this).

2. On Saturday, I was having headache in the morning. It just aggravated throughout the day and 2 Tylenol couldn’t help even!! 😣😣🤯. I thought I am having gas issues as sometimes this goes to my head and I have severe headaches at that time. Nothing helped, even home remedies too like having fennel and ginger tea and all!! Finally I was feeling nauseous and thought may be after throwing up I will be okay. I literally vomited 8-10 times and nothing helped - neither lemon water! (I was too drained and didn’t gave my milk to my girl after that thinking if i am having these issues, she being gassy from previous day and not able to sleep will make her worse). My headache was not in control and finally my husband gave me soda with black salt in it and it helped!! And this happened around 12am. And me and husband thinks this Is not a gas issue but stomach infection as I took out everything out- even what I ate on Friday morning!🤧😷

My questions to you ladies are:

1. Am I right in avoiding giving my milk to my girl if I feel I am having stomach issues ?? I am giving her formula since Saturday 9pm continuously. Shall I throw my milk which I am pumping every 3-4 hours?? (Its 170-200ml). I don’t want to aggravate her sleeplessness and gas issues because of my milk.

2. How to make my girl sleep better in day?? She is a very very very light sleeper. She gets up so easily and everybody in house needs to talk hush hush and have yo contain noises in kitchen too so that she doesn’t get up 😰😰😢. My in laws came from India to help us with our first kid and would be going back in March. My hubby was working from home since last october and would be going back to office from Monday. They say she sleeps only in your arms and will get clingy. I also sometimes think that they are right as what will happen when nobody will be there and I would be the only one in the day to take care of her?? But then I also think she is just little baby and will eventually she will come in her sleeping schedule as she keeps on growing..

3. I don’t know what is wrong or right and in constant worry that she might get sick and will not grow properly if she is not sleeping properly. ( she was gaining weight properly when checked 2 weeks back). I get irritated when my in laws try to play with her when I know she is sleepy and even after saying this to them multiple times they say no she is in play mode and let her play 🤔 she plays with them for 30mins to 1 hour and then she gets sleepless. I feel helpless as they are here for us and I can’t be pushy everytime. My husband supports me but every now and then I can’t push him too as he is the only earning member and is under lot of pressure from all sides (you all can imagine!!) I cry so easily and keep on blaming everything on me if my girl is not feeling okay😭😭 however my husband always helps me understand that this is a phase and will pass and all!

Any suggestions and tips will help. Thank you for reading this loooooong post!!