I got the iud out took BCP for a month, what now ?


I had my first DD 8 almost 9 months ago my cycle is usually irregular and after her that continued. I got the iud a month or so after birth, and took it out December 4th. I immediately started the pill to wait til I wanted to ttc. I decided to stop mid pack because my fiancé wanted to finally ttc. I had a abnormal 3 day period after starting the pill but I didn’t think anything about it. Two weeks later I experienced period like bleeding just 2 days after stopping the pill which lasted for 3 days then nothing both of these 3 day “periods” were EXTREMELY unusual for me because I usually have a week to 2 weeks of bleeding... sorry tmi but on dec 30th at work I had 3 spots of light pink spotting and cramping and nothing else. I’ve experienced nausea, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, gas, bloating, burping, cramping on and off light and heavy and I’ve been a complete uncontrollable EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER since starting and stopping the BCP‼️‼️ I am irritable and meaner than ever, even when I was pregnant. He’s hoping I’m pregnant but all I get is bfn... help ?