Dad not helping...long rant


So I had my little one on January 4 via c-section. We tried to get induced due to medical, I first had the option to do it than after an ultrasound revealed baby’s head was too large for my pelvis so we scheduled a c-section after 14 hours of cytotex and pitocin. I never wanted a c-section I heard of horror stories of the pain and the recovery and how you blow up after having one. 3 days later I am still in pain but it’s bearable. Now my husband has not really helped. Yes he’s changed some diapers but other than that he hasn’t done anything. When in the hospital if baby cried I had to get up and get her and settle back down and get comfortable to breastfeed than once she was done, or when I thought she was done, she done I got up to put her back. This is not easy when your in pain and your husband is in the pull out bed snoring away and you try to call asking for his help but he just keeps snoring away. This happened all 3 nights that I was there in the postpartum room. The last night I had probably 6 hours of sleep in the span of 3 days. I am now home and his parents are here “to help out” granted this morning when she was asleep and wanting her cluster of feedings he walks into the nursery at 6:30 and takes her so I can finally get some sleep. That last 2 hours and I heard her crying from the living room and I needed to get up and pee. When I got to the living room his mom had her asleep again so I was thankful and had some breakfasts after breakfast I get her and go to the nursery to feed her, out of respect for myself as I wasn’t comfortable breastfeeding in front of his mom and dad. I’ve been in here 2 hours as she’s cluster feeding again and I go out to put her in the pack and play expecting him to be awake and talking with his parents and blah blah...he’s asleep in his chair. His dads phone goes off and he’s trying to silent it and he wakes up in a bad mood telling his dad to shut off his phone. I look over and say “you need to get up anyways and help you’ve gotten your sleep” to with his dad responds “he’s working both his jobs tonight he needs his sleep” and I am just flabbergasted and he falls back asleep. I leave and come back to the nursery, baby is still in living room, and I have a breakdown, I feel like I am doing all on my own and I am so tired I have been getting migraines and cramping and just in overall pain. I get that he can’t help much because I’m breast feeding but I would like for him to show that he is willing to help and doesn’t sleep all the time. I have talked to him about this but he hasn’t changed. My feet are so swollen still that they hurt because I can’t get off of them, when I asked for a massage he gets upset and complains, he will do it for like a minute with a few rubs and he’s done. I am just so fed up...sorry this was long I just needed to rant