To break up or not to break up

I’ve been dating my girlfriend for well over a year now. We have great chemistry, and I can’t deny that she’s so much more than I deserve and she cares so much. But recently I’ve been feeling kind of.. bored. And annoyed. By everything she does. She’s very (self admittedly) oblivious about some of her annoying habits and it’s so frustrating because it seems like she’s not making an effort to be better. And she’s a terrrible listener. We’re both teenagers living at home, so we hardly ever have the opportunity to have sex, so yeah I guess I’m a bit bored in that department too. Also starting to think that we’re incompatible sexually?

Long story short, I can’t help but wonder if I could do better. But breaking up with her won’t be better, it would be awful. And maybe things could get better between us. I just don’t want to stick around purely for the sake of it, or because I don’t have many other friends.

Idek if I’m gonna post this I just needed to vent. What am I supposed to do??