
hello all reading this I really need to get this off of my chest so I’m just gonna write it here.

well, this is your basic heartbreak story but I need to speak my mind and get out all my frustration so thank you for reading if you are.

okay sooooo this guy (let’s name him Michael) and I have liked each other for about a year and a half. which is crazy in my mind. we would always flirt but for some reason we never actually admitted our feelings for each other. there have been multiple occasions when someone would tell me that he was gonna ask me out but then he never actually did, which I kinda understood because he is super shy and if one of my friends found out that he was gonna ask me, he didn’t do it. I know maybe I could have asked him out but I’m also super shy and when I talk to boys I get all awkward and quiet.

anyway, him and I just started getting so much closer about 4 months ago, and he started becoming friends with my sister which I thought was nice because she is only 10 and my girl friends don’t even talk to her that often. we even had math together and we would sit by each other and it was great. everyone, including myself, basically considered us dating even though we weren’t and I just liked him so much. he was soooo nice to me and funny and so sweet and shy and we had a lot in common, like we both play soccer.

but about a month ago things went south. after school he’d hang out with popular kids instead of our group of friends. this girl, I’ll name her Katie, started talking to him. eventually I felt like he might start liking Katie and leave me behind, but he’d still talk and flirt with me every day.

eventually winter break hit. I didn’t see him a lot because he went on a trip to Montana with his family. and for some reason I thought that he still liked me.

but when I went back to school last Wednesday (idk why we started that day) he didn’t seem to pay as much attention to me. then I went to lunch and Katie came over to talk to these girls who were sitting at the other end of my table. I overheard their convo a little and I heard her say “it was awkward,” and I had no idea what she was saying but then one of the girls she was talking to mentioned a date with Michael.

and that’s when my heart broke.

someone told me later that day that Michael and Katie went on a date a few days earlier.

wow. I thought he was shy. I thought we had something. but I guess he could throw it away so easily and now I just want to cry because I actually liked him sooo much and Katie is such a bad influence. she does drugs and drinks and all that and she’s so mean. but whatever. I’ve decided that I need to move on. I need to stop being a stupid shy little girl. New year new me, I guess. but what pisses me off is that he asked her out and couldn’t ask me out?? I’m so confused and maybe it’s good I move on. and she didn’t even seem very to like him that much. and even a month before they started talking she had a thing with this interesting druggie kid. idk man. this is all weird and unexpected. he won’t even talk to me now.

idk sorry this story was kinda long and dumb but if you read it what do you think about the situation. I’m so lost right now. not to mention pissed. if you were wondering I’m 17 years old :)