Not sure if this is the right place.


So today we had our miscarriage confirmed at 9 weeks 1 day. I'm upset for a lot of different reasons, one in particular is still having the pregnancy symptoms ( tired, can't keep anything down, can smell everything and a head ache from hell) but knowing that there is no reward for enduring it all. It's a constant reminder. Another one is my fiancé has had a planned hunting trip scheduled for a while now and he is supposed to leave in 2 days for it. He is going for 10 days. I go tomorrow morning to be scheduled for a d&c; and he says "so is this something I have to drive you to? I mean I'll come back sometime during the week, I'll take you then" I feel a little disgusted, and a lot annoyed. Not to mention that while he's gone I have his 5 year old daughter from a previous relationship. Her mother does not have custody of her at all.

I am not as strong as I normally am right now. I feel like his wants come before anyone else's and I'm so tired of trying to get him to see it. He doesn't listen. I understand that miscarriage is or can be different for women but his total lack of concern is nauseating and quite honestly making me question the wedding in june.