I’m pathetic.

Okay so long story short, I’ve liked this guy for like 2 years, and he’s liked me on and off for that amount of time as well. Why did we never get together? For the most part idk, but at one point it was because he dated my best friend, and I didn’t want to hurt her by getting with him after their breakup, but that was when by biggest opportunity was. So he started dating this other girl, but we still flirt quite a bit. I know that he is flirting with me, bc your girl’s been dealing with him for quite some time, and he doesn’t talk to just anyone like this. But then in one of our classes we had to write each other letters and he used the word “friend” or “really good friend”. Now I know that I can’t be more because he is in a relationship, but idk just reading that part where he said “thanks for sticking around and being such a good friend” FRIEND, just kind of crushed me.. I’m pathetic.