weight gain

so when I got pregnant with my first I was literally 110 and lost 5 pounds living with my husband's mom I moved back with my mom and gained weight I was 135 when I have birth. Me and my husband were young so we struggled and I had to go some days starving! we finally got on our feet a year later and I started gaining weight money was coming in so food was also lol. We ended up getting pregnant again 4 years later July 2017 I weighed 175 :( I was on a diet before I was pregnant. The beginning of this pregnancy all I did was throw up for a good 13 weeks. It finally went away I'm 30 weeks now and weigh 190 I hate it :,( my doctor told me I needed to slow down with eating I'm getting to where most women are on the chart I was confused but upset. Any tips? due March 20. He also scheduled me an ultrasound to see how much he weighs