Tempted to test.

Jessie • Housewife, animal mom of 3, Sylvia❤️ 👶🏻 3/30/2020

Hubby and I aren’t trying nor preventing atm due to him being in college and working full time. Once we stopped trying, I was hoping the stress would go away and my menstrual cycle would go back to normal, as I wasn’t regular anymore and added to stress of ttc. But I noticed i still wasn’t regular, so I researched natural ways to treat my irregularity. I stumbled upon Vitex (More like God had a billion road signs/pop up ads in my life with the word VITEX plastered on them) and I researched it. One month of taking it and I had 2 periods in a row, which hasn’t happened in over a year! It works! Now, I ran out and had to reorder in December. I didn’t get my new bottle until the day my period was supposed to arrive. That means TWO WEEKS of not taking it. Naturally my period ended up being 4 days late. Of course I chalked it up to the lack of progesterone that was supposed to be produced, but without the Vitex in my system not enough was being produced due to my faulty pituitary gland or something.....

Anyway, I finally got my period yesterday, at least I think it’s my period. It is so light and just spotty that I don’t even know. On the the Vitex last month, my period did begin with spotting, but throughout the first day, it became heavier and more like a light period... then heavier the next days, of course.

BUT I AM NOW ON DAY 2 AND NO REAL DIFFERENCE! My pad was CLEAN this morning! Day 2 is usually my heavier day. Should I test when the bleeding/or period stops or just wait and see if it happens again next month? I feel like God wants me to wait but I don’t know.... the mere I thought of my 2 years of prayers possibly being answered with a yes excites me to no end.

Pray for me ladies!

Update: I talked to my husband and he said that it could be my body readjusting to the Vitex in my system after not having it for 2 weeks. So I decided to wait and see if it happens again next month. (We don’t like wasting money on tests)

Update: so glad I decided to wait. My spotting became heavier and more red, I’ve decided to believe this is AF. A little sad but it’s better than getting a negative on pregnancy test. Let’s hope for next month.