For this child we have prayed... UPDATE


I am in tears and complete shock to be able to post that I'm pregnant! I got my very first positive test ever today. To God be all of the glory! I LITERALLY could not have done any of this without constant prayer and meditation. That's the only thing I did, was give it to God. Month after month I got negative test after negative test and I would get so discouraged until about 6 cycles in when I finally understood that it'll happen in God's perfect timing. On my 9th cycle the day AF was due (today) I didn't start spotting or anything. So I got a test from dollar tree and this showed up within 45 seconds (I know because I had a stopwatch).

God is so faithful! His word promised that NONE shall miscarry or be barren. I am just so thankful for this blessing growing inside of me and I pray for the happiest and healthiest nine months I could ask for. Lord Jesus, please cover this family!

UPDATE! We had our first prenatal checkup on the 7th and we got to see our little bean! HR was a beautiful 164bpm! Grow baby grow!