Refuse bottle at 8 months

Katie • Baby, mommy and daddy 2017 ❤️

My 8 month old has been breastfed since day one but when I went back to work at 9 weeks she drank from a bottle without issues. Just before christmas I had the flu for 2 weeks and she didn’t get a bottle for that whole time because I breastfed her. Now that I am well and back working she has refused bottles thus not having any milk for 10 hours and causing not much pee. We have tried the following and they have not worked,

Different bottles and nipples

Different sippy cups- she can’t figure how to drink from them yet.

Whenever she gets bottle from Dad who has tried skin to skin, wearing my shirt, dark room, sitting still, rocking, walking, covering bottle with my shirt, playing music, warming the nipple, warmer milk, etc.

He has gotten milk to her by very milky oatmeal, frozen milk in a little teether thing. Baby sitter used a syringe and got some in her.

Anyone out there have any other suggestions please??

our pediatrician knows and said to call lactation consultant which she gave us some ideas that did not work either.
