How do you know when it’s time to break it off

How do you know/how did you know it’s time to break it off. My boyfriend and I are in an LDR and he’s terrible at responding over text. Literally responded to me once today and that was only after I called him on on being on snap but not answering me. I also post selfies on snap all the time and he doesn’t ever sice me. Not a big deal right? Except our whole relationship is over technology rn because the LDR, and I see other boyfriends answering their girls all the time and sicing them too. I am absolutely in love with him, bur not how he treats me. I’m his biggest fan but he doesn’t put enough effort in. Yes, I have talked to him about this multiple times, telling him he has to do better or I won’t be able to do it, and he says he knows and he is trying and that he just forgets. But how can he forget about me if he loves me? It keeps happening and I don’t know if I’m overreacting or being decent and he just can’t change. What should I do 😩