What to do ?

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During Christmas break I visited my boyfriends family. They aren’t his blood family but his sisters and they wanted to be back in his life after Maby 10 years. I was happy for him. Happy he finally was going to have people in his life that cared and loved him as much as I did. I went to meet them over Christmas break and everything went well. Until they threw a party and then the grandmother started talking ill of me. Saying I was there with him for money, I was sitting on my throne for now until I was knocked down and many other things. She just replaced my name with pronouns but I knew she was talking about me. Her friend would just stare and tried to be funny in saying I was there for his sister and was his sisters friend and just met them. I was hurt, I was crying upstairs. My boyfriend then comes upstairs and says he wish I never came. And how she would never say those things to anyone. No one believed me it was horrible. Now I feel completely different towards him. How could he believe them over me ? How could he not see how hurt I was ? I really don’t know what to do. He doesn’t want to discuss it. His family feels I’m emotional and a liar. Any advice would help.. thank you..