Bye bye baby daddy


I am 10 weeks along now and decided to kick the BD out for numerous reasons. The first reason I feel like he was just mooching off me. I felt like everything he said to me or talked about was just another line and honestly felt he was just like a used car salesman. We were friends in 8th grade, he moved away to “find” himself (aka do drugs). When he moved back home we hung out for ONE night and he NEVER left. 6 months later I’m still trying to get him to leave but because it was cold and snowing I didn’t want him out on the streets and homeless because he had nowhere else to go and no one would take him in. Anyway ........ I turned 30 in November and had a few drinks. I was supposed to start December 1 and never did so on the December 4 he bought a home test. And guess what I got for my birthday? Yep a baby ( it’s the most expensive present I ever received). I’ve had issues with him having his drug addict friends at my house when I’m work and told him not to let anyone over when I wasn’t there. He didn’t listen. So I finally had enough and made him leave once for all. Once he was gone I found out that he himself was smoking meth and doing heroine. So I do NOT feel bad at all for kicking him out. However I soon quickly realized that all my most prized jewelry was stolen. My grandma necklace, the matching ring. The belly ring my aunt left me in her sucide note. My first sons father wedding ring. My engagement ring. The necklace My son gave me for my first Mother’s Day. Plus not to mention 200 yr old antique xmas ornaments. Oh and a entire bag of fucking cotton balls. When I confronted him about it he had no clue what I was talking about even though he is the only who knew where all that stuff hidden at. I told him I am making a police for everyone I thought could’ve done it including him. He keeps trying to turn things around on as if IM the bad guy. So out of anger I told to stay in Florida where he belongs and forget about the baby because I’m not keeping it and I want nothing to do with him.

Even though I do feel bad for saying I’m not keeping it I absolutely do not feel bad for maki g him feel bad.

Mind you we were never together in a relationship. It was a one night mistake. I had to block him from every way possible for him to contact me.

Now my sons father will be getting out of jail soon and we are hoping that we can work things out between us, even though he knows the truth the about everything.

Am I wrong for this? What would you have done in this situation?