Fight with hubby about which church to raise our kids


So I'm currently 5 months pregnant and I recently brought up to my hubby about what church we would raise our kids in. We've talked about this topic before getting pregnant, but honestly it didn't go that well and he changed the subject every time. I'm Methodist and my husband is Catholic. Both of us grew up going to church every Sunday but we both stopped going once we were in college. His parents and entire family are very devout Catholics and will be furious if we don't raise them Catholic. One Aunt even referred to our kids being "bastard children" if they aren't baptized Catholic. I have no hard feelings towards Catholics, but I just don't feel like I belong when I've gone before and don't want to convert.

Over the past year, I've been attending a Methodist church pretty regularly but my husband won't come with me. I've even offered to go to a Catholic church some Sundays but he always has an excuse not to go. He probably has not been to church in several years other than weddings, baptisms etc. However, when I bring up raising our kids, he is adamant about raising them Catholic, since he feels it's the "best". He also says he'll take our kids to church once they're born, but I highly doubt that it will happen. For me, I know I'm going to be the one taking them to church and he won't go, and I'm not going to attend a Catholic mass by myself. But I know it's going to cause a huge problem with his family and parents. He gets upset every time I try to bring it up and I'm not sure what to do. Honestly, I think he's more worried about what his family will think and has been drilled that anything other than being raised Catholic is wrong.