MC on 10/21...Another BFN

Kerri ☀️

My husband and I began ttc in August. I got a BFP on 10/6 and had a MC on 10/21 at 6wks. I was using OPKs since my cycle had been slightly irregular after coming off BC. We missed our window in Nov and AF came on 12/5. I began using the OPK again and was getting negative after negative...finally on 1/4, I got a positive. So we BD that day and early morning on 1/6. To my dismay I started getting signs of AF on Thursday evening and she showed up on Sunday. This puts my cycle at approx 40 days, which is longer than normal. My husband was devastated, and so was I. Trying to stay positive for the both of us, just really hoping for our 🌈 soon.