No clue

With my son I had dreams constantly of having a boy and in my dreams it was an older boy around the age he is now (6). But this pregnancy I have no gut feeling as to what it may be and it's driving me crazy. I'm the last girl in my family (I'm 27) and girls just don't seem to happen for us but I'm not the one that determines gender . But here are my tells:
-HR was 171 at 9w6d 
-Im wider in the hips instead of showing only in front 
-Only had nausea in the beginning but never threw up
- acne is everywhere , chin, neck, chest and back
- sex drive is through the roof 
- I love breakfast foods and fruit 
- boobs are huge (they actually disappeared with my son)
-and I can't sleep even though I should be tired ! 
Thoughts ladies ?!