Please read... I’m really struggling

I’ll try to make this short, but there’s a TL;DR at the end. 2017 was a really hard year for my husband and I. It had great parts, and watching our little girl grow was simply amazing, but there were a lot of rough things that are not easily resolved. I had a lot of lady issues, and I feel like I’m going crazy in a very literal sense. I’ve always been a little anxious, but after losing a pregnancy in the beginning of 2017, it just went off the charts. Many other stressful things happened, and then my grandmother passed away (we were very close). I started regularly smoking weed to treat the anxiety, as it’s legal in my state and I was staying home at the time. This is my first period since coming off birth control, and it’s my first cycle weed-free in a long time, and I have wanted to do nothing but cry for days and days in a row. My husband and family are worried about me. It’s not so bad at work, but I never even get a chance to sit down there. I know I should see a professional, but services in my area are limited, and I don’t know how I feel about online therapists. I’m trying CBD to see if it helps the anxiety, and I’m meditating and listening to ASMR at bedtime. I only quit weed because I went off birth control, and while we aren’t trying to get pregnant, I would prefer not to be smoking if we conceived, plus I may be looking for a better job soon. I’m trying to stay positive, but even if my thoughts are positive, I can’t seem to help the feelings of anxiety that are popping up. I feel so out of control of myself, and it’s been over a year of this now. I would like to get pregnant again within the next year, so I’m not sure I want to go on an antidepressant, but I’ve considered it because I’ve felt so bad of late. I’ve had migraines since I was a child, and they’ve been more frequent and more intense in the last six months. I’m only posting anonymously because I feel like this sounds like a cry for attention, but I really just need a listening ear and some suggestions. What do you do to help with anxiety and depression?

TL;DR: It’s been a tough year. Anxiety is off the charts. What are your personal solutions for anxiety/depression? Have you had any experience with online therapy, and if so, was it actually helpful/worth the money? Did your insurance cover it if it was?

Thanks, ladies.