Unsupportive mother

Cass • 35.Married. 2018💗2021💗2024💙

Anyone else have a mom who isn’t the typical involved, happy-go-lucky mother?? She’s never been lovey or super into her kids lives... We’ve been closer in my adult life but more like friends than a mother-daughter relationship.

We told her we were pregnant a week ago. Her response, “Alright!”. No hugs or anything. She didn’t even continue discussing it.

She instead grabbed her phone and told my brother. I asked what she was doing, she lied. Then later admitted it. My husband and I were pissed. She tried to pay victim. “Well, I didn’t know it was a secret. I didn’t know how these things work. My whole life everyone yells at me and I have no one, blah blah blah.”

She does this same spiel once a week. Throws a selfish pity party. The reason she has no one is because she ignores EVERYONE who tries to call her or invite her to things. She’s holes up in her house with her phones off 24/7 for years now.

You’d think she’d be happy to find out she’s going to be a grandmother... she claims she needs to process it and everything is different now. She hasn’t spoken to me in a week. Won’t take my calls and ignores my texts...

Anyone else have a mother who doesn’t give a shit and makes your feel worthless?? Everyone else I know; their moms are SO happy to find out and want to be super involved. I have no one. I have no friends to tell and no family who cares. Besides my amazing husband, I feel so alone and miserable. Like I shouldn’t even exist. Why doesn’t my own mother care?? I wish she knew how much she’s hurting me...

I tried to tell her through a mature conversation but she turned it around and played victim. Again.

I just don’t know.