2ww Progesterone types

Deirdra • 3/21/16 👼🏼 7/13/18 👼🏼 🌈🌈 We welcomed our babies 💛 TWINS Aliyah Sutton & Max Vincent 7/31/19 6 weeks early! 🌙 💫⭐️ the stars aligned for our little leos ♌️. NICU warriors ✨

What are you taking for progesterone & what are you symptoms/experiences? I have taken vagina suppositories for 4 months but would get so irritated that I had to quit. For this cycle, I started Endometrin pill vaginally last night & so far it it causing a dull pain in my right side. When I first did it, I swear I shot it at my cervix a little too hard with the applicator 😂😂. Ugh, I hate the 2ww

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