Weird spotting.


So me and my fiancee are trying to have a baby, for over a year and have not had any success ):

With that being said.. on may 2nd I spotted for 2 to 3 days brown blood. So light I didn't even need a panty liner, about two weeks later I had my period but it was super light and only last 4 days tops. So light I just need a panty liner, most the time I would need to change my pad alot. Than yesterday my boyfriend and I had sex. Mind you that we haven't had sex for about 5 days and I woke up this morning and had a little bit of blood when I wiped after I went pee. It was for only about an hour than stopped. I've went a couple weeks without having sex with my fiancee and I never had a light pink blood. What could this mean, am I just over reacting for nothing. Or could it be something?