Let’s just talk about our amazing partners


He’s literally my world. My family is growing very fond of him and I just couldn’t say enough about him. We’ve had our rough patches and worked them out and right now I feel like we’re on top of the world right now. I can not wait to marry my best friend and have a family with him.

Before my dad passed away this past September he said “we better be nice to him bec he will be a part of our family”. My dad swore up and down I would marry this man and unfortunately he proposed after he had passed away but my dad had that gut instinct that this is the man I will marry and he was RIGHT! (I didn’t know about that until after I was engaged and my mom told me)

Even my best child hood friend had a baby with my fiancé’s brother and made me the godmother/aunt (she doesn’t have any sisters). I just feel like after a rough past couple of years with dealing with addiction and going to rehab and everything my SO has supported me in every way possible.

He loves me for me and doesn’t judge on my past or anything. He has helped me start a business and works long days sometimes out of state but he always comes home and helps me with anything I need.