People Please Search First

Ladies I just don’t understand why I constantly see the same questions over and over again on here. There is a search icon (looks like this—> 🔍) to click on where you can find all the topics on your questions, concerns, symptoms or conditions. All you have to do is just type in a few key words and bam!! You get a bunch or results that pertain to your search! While I do think every question is obviously valid to that person, I’m tired of seeing multiple posts for the same thing or people getting mad if their posts aren’t answered (it’s because there are already 30 other posts with answers), so then they go and post it 3 more times in different boards... By all means I’m not telling you what to do, or that you shouldn’t ask questions if you have them. But maybe search to see if it has been answered already or don’t get mad if it has been discussed already and no one responds to your post. Also if your question or concern is medically related, legally untrained people can’t give you medical advice, so please do us all a favor and see a dr or talk to a professional. Sorry, end of rant...