Maybe it's just hormones, but my husband is driving me crazy!

I am five weeks pregnant, and I honestly can't tell if it's the hormones or if I have just gone crazy. Things that are usually minor annoyances now make me completely angry!

Example, yesterday was my husband's grandma's birthday. So we went over in the afternoon, stayed until almost ten at night, and then my brothers in law came to spend the night. Normally, this would be fine...except I'm pregnant, tired, and ready to relax. They took over the tv, the computer, and tablet all at once, and continued to watch loud action movies and play video games until after midnight. Then, my husband came to bed and played games on his phone ... Loudly. I could hear the boys playing games on their phones too. Paper thin walls, y'all.

So, on five hours of sleep, I'm up and getting ready for work. Just found out that a third brother is coming over today to be with my husband and the two younger ones...and that means they'll all be there until 11 or 12 again.

Sorry for the long, whiney post but holy cow I feel like I,am going to go crazy! Is there a way I can make my DH understand the importance of sleep for me?