Maternity Leave Paid Time Off

Megan • Wife 👫🏼• Boy Mom 🐶 🐶 👦🏼 🧒🏼 👶🏼 • 👩‍🎨 🎨 🚣🏼‍♀️ 👙 🍂 🎃 🏒 🌙 🎬 🏝 👠 💄 🩸 ♉

I live in Illinois and one of our senators is pregnant for the second time and first time in office. She brought up family leave and I am shocked by all the comments and a lot of them are negative towards mom's choosing to have a baby and still needing to go back to work. When I looked at tbis last night i seemed like most of the comments were from men but looking this morning it's almost equal on men and women against time off. What do you think? Should we have more time off and it be paid? I am only asking about maternity leave becsuse I know a lot of places don't have paternity leave at all.

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