Afraid my birth mother will try to get my son taken from me

Cassity • Laila 05/15/17, Xander 4/10/18, and Grace 11/06/2019

I wasn't sure where to post this but here goes... So a little back story: My biological parents got divorced when I was 3ish. My older sister and I lived with my PSYCHO biological mother and went to see my dad on the weekends. Then when my sister was like 13 she moved in with my dad and I stayed with my bio mom. She ended up getting with a very abusive man who ended up going to jail for attempted murder, use of a deadly weapon, and more. We had a bog in the backyard and he threatened that the cops would fine our bodies in there along with all of our pets he twisted the necks of. So eventually it was either move in with my dad or go to foster care. She decided to choose him over me. So I moved in with my dad. She has repeatedly stalked, harrassed, etc. my sister and I for all of these years. A couple weeks ago she told my aunt that she knows everything we're doing when we're doing it and that she'll continue to stalk us whether we like it or not. So today I messaged her mother because she wanted to get something for my son because I'm pregnant. I asked if we could come pick up the stuff for the baby and she went on to say how I needed to be having my bio mom in my life and started calling me names and saying im a hateful selfish human being because I won't let them around my baby. For OBVIOUS REASONS. Then I said I'm done talking about it. So my bio mom got on my grandmother's fb and started writing me since she's blocked. She said a whole bunch of shit and I'm so worried she's gonna try to have my son taken. She's called cps on my dad the entire time I lived with him for NO REASON AT ALL. She starts drama and stalks and I'm so scared for my son. I KNOW she's gonna call cps on me for no reason at all and create a ton of lies to try to get him taken. That's just the psycho bitch she is. I don't know what to do and I'm so scared for my baby boy. What can I do??? I've already decided to warn social services that she might call since they'll be at the hospital when I give birth anyways. But is that all I can do???