Okay ladies, I need opinions!


Me and my fiancé have been together for a while now and I’m ready for the next step! I’m 20 and he’s 25. He has 3 kids already that I absolutely adore. But the baby fever is real! I want one of my own to love and care for like I do his. But it’s like no matter how hard I try I’m not gettin pregnant! I’ve stopped thinking about it and stopped tracking and we baby dance all the time and still nothing! I had cysts a couple years ago on my ovaries and I was told there was a chance I couldn’t have children. But I know a lot of women who have had them and still got pregnant. I was on the pill for a while to.. and I think that might have something to do with it. I got off of them almost a year ago and still nothing.. what should I do?! I need advice!! I don’t know if it’s me or if it’s him that’s not able.. I’m hoping we go to the doctor soon but I want to be able to do it on our own!