Welcome baby Logan


Welcome to the world baby Logan! We went for our final check on Thursday only to be told I was not dilated and the baby had not even dropped we opted to have a c section on Sunday the 28th of January but like they say baby is boss and will come when he wants to! Saturday started as normal but by 8 pm I was getting bad contractions! I decided to wait them out as I did not have a bloody show or have my water break at 9 I could not stand it any more and we went to hospital. Once there they monitored me for 20 min and told me I was 5cm dilated and in active Labour. From the beginning I always wanted to give normal birth but after being told I had to have a c section I was mentally ready for it ( and could not take the pain of the contractions any more 🤣) so I told them I wanted a c section still an hour later I was wheeled into theater and baby Logan was born at 11:44 pm. I have to admit the c section was not bad at all I am on my feet I’m at home and the pain is bearable as long as I take my meds but it is so worth it to have such a perfect little human in my life.