Help!!! Did we DTD enough at the right times???

Allison • girl mama to ellie and ivy tattooed mom boho and nature enthusiast

Okay, so my cycles are normally 26 days, with the occasional 24 or 28 thrown in; and we’ve been NTNP for the past year and a half and this cycle we decided to actively try! 💘

I started to get O pains around CD 7-9, I almost always get cramps right after AF is done (4-5 days long) and expect to ovulate somewhere between CD 9-11. I get O pain almost every cycle around CD 9-11 (when I know that I’m actually ovulating that cycle).

We BDed CD’s 6, 7, 9, and 11 with insemination and all the other days we had sex he was just too tired to finish... but he got me off anyways 😉

I’m just wondering if we started too early? And because he didn’t cum in me the rest of my fertile window (according to Glow), did we lose our chances this cycle?

I’m sorry for the super long post but I’m almost already losing hope that we didn’t DTD late enough in my cycle or that my O pains were so early in my cycle that I miscalculated my O date?

Glow says I ovulated on CD 13-14 but I honestly didn’t feel like it was that late since I didn’t have EWCM and no cramping pain or sex drive.

If anyone has cycles like mine or got their BFP DTD early in their cycle please give me some encouragement and prayer!! Or if you got a BFN and think we should be BD more or less often please send your advice this way!!!