Fundal Measuring 4 weeks ahead 😱 Labor Early!?!

Kristin • Married 8/16/14💍 Pierce Jaxon: 6/5/16💙👶🏼 Logan Marie: 2/27/18 🎀👶🏼.

Hi ladies so I went to the dr around 28 weeks and was measuring 4 weeks ahead. They sent me to a growth scan to check on baby and she was measuring right on track (not too big thank goodness). My dr reported that everything seems healthy with baby and I don’t have GD. Anyways, I am now 35 weeks and I am measuring 4-5 weeks ahead and freaking out. I know that everyone carries differently but any second time mamas know if this means I will deliver early? I’m scared my body thinks it’s time when it’s not yet time! Not ready for her to come yet lol.