Age difference

Kiera • Married April 18th. Trying for second baby :)
My dad is 46 (I think or atleast close to) and im 20 (21 in november). He has recently started "hanging out" with a 19 year old girl who looks about 13 saying he's not in a serious relationship with her and yet she just moved in with him and my 14 year old  brother with aspergers (whom I took care of most of his childhood until I moved out) I am very protective of him and I don't like that he is being exposed to what I consider a very inappropriate relationship. I guess I wouldn't have that big of an issue if my sister and I weren't both older then her(my sister is 22) and if my dad didn't have a history of dating much younger women, my mom was 15 when she moved in with him, his other ex was 14 though he supposedly didn't know. My dad was in his 20s in both relationships and I feel that because of his recent brush with death (heart surgeries) he is trying to be younger and therefor at tracked once again to younger girls. But that's the thing she's a girl. A child   Wearing cartoon shirts and is still so immature. I want to add that my feelings are also hurt because my dad had custody of me for a year before telling me to get a job and basically take care of myself at 15 and I moved out at 17 after he emptied my bank account of 2000 dollars. I didn't mind having a job I loved being self sufficient but I am hurt that I grew up so fast first to take care of myself and my siblings and then to see him "taking care" of this girl. So I feel like he pushed me out of the house and is now taking in a girl he says needs help. He wasn't there to help me. And he only got my brother a week ago after dumping him for the last year while he dated around and partied. I don't want to think my dad is being a pediphile... But it skeeves me out and I don't see any other reason for him to have her with him. I haven't had my son around him since learning about the relationship. And I'm having a baby girl in a month and I feel I need to consider their safety and we'll bring around him. Do you think I'm justified? Is it my place to judge? 

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