Finally told my hubby!!


So, I had a weird feeling I was pregnant on Jan 20th but didn't think of it at first so I tested on Jan 23rd (thanks to a friend on glow) with a very very very faint line, so I called my midwife and she set me up to have my blood drawn that day and confirmed on the 24th. Was going to tell my husband on valentines but I just couldn't wait any longer, needed his support and whatnot. I was too emotional all week 😩😂

Before I explain what happened tonight, here’s a back story... when I found out that I was actually pregnant and was due ON his birthday, I wanted to make it extra special. I pretended I got my period last week. Told him I had a BFN. Even at one point i actually forgot to hide the test, he didn’t even look at it (a big whew)!

When I gave him the box, he opened it and was like “really?? So you lied to me?!” I laughed and was like well, yes, I had to throw you off! I wanted to surprise you!! He chuckled and said wow, I love you!! Hugged and kissed me. He’s ecstatic that we’re expecting and that it’s due on his birthday! Couldn’t picked out a better night to surprise him! ❤️