

I need to stop putting my baby to sleep on the swing! How did you ladies do it? I put him in there and he'll fall asleep then I transfer him to his pack n play or crib. But I want to stop using the swing, any suggestions?

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we donated the swing at 6 months old, because she was already getting to big for it. we slerp trained at 6 months old. she slept 12 hrs a night after slerp training ever since. the only time we take her with us, is when she's teething, because she can't settle down without us.our daughter was in the 89th percentile for hight and 90th percentile for weight, from the start, up till about a month ago, at her 15 month appt. she finally reached a steady weight/hight gain. but at 6 months, she was already too big to be in a swing. we donated it and that was that. at that point we slerp trained and bam, she slept in her room, in her crib, 12 hrs a night, from 8 45 pm till 8 30-8 45 am.just like with any crutch, it all honesty, it's easier to take it away and not bring it back. we did the same thing with bottles, 5 months ago when she turned one. she's been on only sippies since she turned one. took allll the bottles/nipples/bottle caps, sterilized them twice in a row and donated them. same with baby food. at 13 months, she was able to chew well and eat everything we gave her, so we stooped with baby food and went only on table foods. I find it easier to completely eliminate something, rather than attempting one night and giving up the next. so to not be tempted, I donated the swing. bottles, etc and that was that.


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Just do it when you feel totally comfortable and it won’t be too difficult. Maybe try to wind down around bedtime near the crib, play and read stories, etc. and get him comfortable and use to feeling sleepy there. It will probably take a little work but you can do it! Good luck!