Basic expectations with sex?


Not sure how controversial this is but I know there has been some disagreement in my friends circle so I’ll ask.

When it comes to sex, is there certain things that are to be expected?

For example oral, touching, kissing etc. I’ve found from my experience of having sex with men that there’s an expectation that oral sex will be performed on them but not always on me (depending on the person of course). I’ve also had men say to me they don’t understand why some people don’t what to perform oral on their female partners, and that’s it part of the sexual experience.

I personally believe there are expectations, but that doesn’t mean someone has to do it. If someone isn’t comfortable with something they shouldn’t feel they have to. But I also believe if people aren’t receiving what they want, they shouldn’t have to settle for that either. They have a right to leave and find someone who will do what they like.

Do you think there are certain expectations? If so what do you think they are?

Ps. I’m aware this is subjective that’s why I’m asking your thoughts. Be nice!

Edit: sorry for the confusion. I’m not asking about hardcore sex stuff or like taboo stuff the oral thing was just an example. I’m talking about basic expectations for you. Like the minimal expectations.