SAHM with dog problem.

I might get shit for this bc I know there's a lot of devoted dog owners and lovers, etc. but that is not the case with me. Let me just put this other there, don't bitch at someone for not being as obsessed with their dog as you are. So here's my story. 
Around November 2013, we got a dog. I didn't want it at first but my husband was dying for one. I wasn't working or making any money at that time and couldn't get him a birthday present and his birthday was coming up. I was still pretty set on saying no to a dog no matter how mad he would get. One night he emailed the guy who was selling the dog and we met up with it. We met the little pup and my husband really wanted it. He put me on the spotlight next to the dog owner and both of them basically pressured me to say yes to it. We ended up getting it. That same night we went to Petco and bought it stuff. I was pretty excited and hoped that everything worked out with it. A week later after having it? I had enough. The brand new apartment with brand new carpet we moved into that same year was invaded. Piss everywhere, shit everywhere, throw up everywhere. I wanted the dog out already but I never told my husband anything. Months later, same problem. Our carpet and place was already smelling bad. I was embarrassed to have people over. I suggested the dog stayed in the balcony so we moved her crate outside. It didn't work out at all. She barked her head off all night we brought her back in 1 hour later. The next morning I woke up to shit on our brand new sofa. The dog got walked every morning when my husband left for work around 7-8am. And then I would wake up at around 9-10am and there would be shit on the carpet by the time I was ready to walk her again. Around September 2014, we needed to move out. We found a townhouse with a brand new carpet in the downstairs. Before we officially moved out I finally told my husband that I hated his dog, that I was fed up, and that he needed to get tid of it. He bitched at me and I felt bad for even speaking up about the situation. The week after we signed the new lease and were sleepy moving out things to the new place, my husband decided that it was a good idea to take the dog to meet the house before we moved in. That same night we brought her "to meet" the new house, she walked in and the first thing she did was take a big ass dump on the brand new carpet. My husband and I had an argument and I stayed at my friends house. I forgot to mention that we have a 4 year old daughter that isn't allowed to play on the floor/carpet bc our new place with the new carpet is officially a toilet. I'm sorry to say this but I officially hate dogs. Not only does this dog shit everywhere but she also has separation anxiety. My husband leaves for work and she doesn't stop whining. I tried loving this dog but I've had enough. My husband isn't getting rid of it that's for sure, but I'm tired of living in a shit hole. My daughter and I deserve better than what we're settling for. I'm thinking about divorcing him but I love him. I just hate his dog. I don't know what to do. I'd rather talk about this with strangers on here than have my dog obsessed friends give me shit for this.